Conveyor Rail and Carriage Replacement

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The existing linear rail and carriages that the conveyor rides on have become worn and rendered the transfer conveyor inoperable. The rail is Leantechnik. This rail has a $20,000.00 estimate from OEM and 10 week lead time.

BHQ Solution:
Working with NSK engineering we were able to measure and identify an available linear option. The customer was able to obtain the product in 8 days and perform a retrofit over the weekend. NSK N1H452470z rail and NK-45-gm-k Carriage.

Benefit and Cost Savings:
This option saved the customer over $15,000.00 on replacement and 9 weeks of downtime and charges. Estimated total savings is $30,000.00 on the jobs they had to use with the machine. Total savings $45,000.00


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